giovedì 23 gennaio 2014

Libya: Qaddafi supporters heading to Ajilat killed in Sabratha

Cinque uomini, presunti sostenitori di Gheddafi, sono stati uccisi in uno scontro a fuoco a Sabratha dopo che il gruppo era stato scoperto dalle forze di sicurezza locali. Il gruppo si stava dirigendo in direzione Ajilat. Secondo una fonte dell'esercito, altri sette presunti sostenitori dell'ex Rais sono stati catturati e arrestati.

It has not been disclosed where the group came from or how many men were in it, other than “a lot”, according to the source .  The rest managed to escape.
The source told the Libya Herald that the fighters were caught moving through the town just before 5am. The gun battle lasted over two and a half hours. 
On Saturday, when the Tamenhint airbase near Sebha was taken over by Qaddafi supporters, other pro-Qaddafi elements came out in Ajilat with green flags and pictures of the former dictator. They were confronted by local military council but it was unable to contain the situation and asked for support.
Yesterday, forces from Zintan arrived and after heavy fighting managed to gain the upper hand. 
It is claimed that the group heading through Sabratha this morning were heading to Ajilat to help the beleaguered Qaddafi sympathisers there.
It is not clear yet if what happened at the Tamenhint airbase and in Ajilat, together with the various other appearances of Qaddafi symathisers with green flags in the past few days, are part of a coordinated movement. If so, it does not appear to well organised, let alone have any significant or measurable support. 

Source Libya Herald

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