lunedì 16 dicembre 2013

Carnegie associate researcher expects strong return of Muslim Brotherhood

Yezid Sayigh, della Carnegie Middle East Center di Beirut, si aspetta un forte ritorno dei Fratelli Musulmani. Sayigh, il cui lavoro si concentra sulla crisi siriana e il ruolo politico degli eserciti arabi, ha twittato: "I fatti e le prove stanno dimostrando un forte ritorno della Fratekllanza Musulmana in Egitto e in Siria."

He pointed out the overwhelming victory of the MB representatives in the Doctors Syndicate in Egypt.
"Today's notable progress of the MB in the Doctors Syndicate, despite the demonisation campaigns carried out against them, proved that doctors and educated Egyptians have not been affected by media lies," he said.
The researcher continued: "When the zero point comes, coup leaders will be surprised that most of the Egyptian army and its leaders support president Morsi, and only a small group that betrayed the country for personal glory."
Last week, Sayiegh tweeted: "The coup leaders are involved in the last round of the coup." He called upon them to recognise their mistake and unite behind the goals of January 25 revolution.


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