lunedì 16 dicembre 2013

Turkey in regular contact with Hezbollah: envoy

La Turchia mantiene contatti costanti con Hezbollah, nonostante le divergenze politiche nella crisi siriana, ha dichiarato oggi l'ambasciatore turco in Libano, Inan Ozyildiz. L'ambasciatore, intervistato dal quotidiano As-Safir, ha dichiarato che la Turchia non è d'accordo con le strategie di Hezbollah per la situazione in Siria, ma che Hezbollah è un partito libanese e la Turchia intende mantenere rapporti costanti con la formazione sciita, Questo nonostante l'Unione Europea abbia deciso l’iscrizione dell’ala militare di Hezbollah nella ‘black-list’ delle organizzazioni terroristiche.

He noted that Turkey and Hezbollah discuss the situation in Lebanon and the region as well as the different viewpoints regarding Syria, assuring that there is no dispute between the two sides.
Ozyildiz added that Hezbollah and Turkey share similar views over several issues.
Hezbollah, an ally of Syria’s Bashar Assad regime, has been involved in fighting alongside government troops against rebels whereas Turkey backs the Syrian opposition and is a strong opponent of the Assad regime.
The Turkish envoy also said his country does not know the whereabouts of the two bishops kidnapped in Syria earlier this year.
The two bishops Youhanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yazigi were kidnapped on April 23 in the northern Syrian province of Aleppo.
Ozyildiz said that Turkey does not have the means to find any of abducted in Syria and that if it had any capabilities to free the two bishops it would do it without any delay.
He expressed hope that the two bishops are well and would be freed swiftly.

Source Daily Star

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