mercoledì 4 dicembre 2013

Hassan Hawlo al-Lakiss: Israele o Al-Qaeda?

Hezbollah ha annunciato oggi l'uccisione di un suo leader nei pressi di Beirut accusando Israele. "La resistenza islamica annuncia la morte di uno dei suoi leader, Hassan Hawlo al-Lakiss, assassinato nei pressi di casa sua nella regione di Adath", ad est di Beirut, ha annunciato la tv del movimento sciita, Al Manar.

''L'accusa diretta e' rivolta contro il nemico israeliano, che ha tentato di eliminare il nostro fratello martire piu' volte e in diversi luoghi, ma i cui tentativi erano falliti fino a questa mattina: il nemico deve assumersi la piena responsabilita' e le conseguenze di questo crimine ignobile'', ha precisato il comunicato di Hezbollah.

Nei giorni scorsi, un attentato contro l'ambasciata dell'Iran a Beirut, che sorge in un quartiere a maggioranza sciita e sotto il controllo di Hezbollah, ha provocato 23 morti e piu' di 140 feriti.

In seguito all'attentato all'ambasciata iraniana a Beirut, Al-Qaeda ha annunciato che ''ci saranno ulteriori attacchi'' finche' Hezbollah, alleato dell'Iran e della Siria, combattera' a fianco del governo di Damasco e ''finche' non saranno liberati i prigionieri delle brigate Azzam in Libano''. (fonte AFP).

You know you’ve made some bad life decisions when you’re involved in a globally-notorious terror group. Step into the shoes of one such man, Lebanese Hassan Hawlo al-Lakiss, who joined Hezbollah and rose through its ranks to become one of its top leaders. His path to prominence in Hezbollah wasn’t really all that difficult; he simply had to avoid getting killed or tasked with blowing himself up for his imaginary friend. As a Hezbollah military leader, al-Lakiss directed jihadist troop movements and consulted with Hezbollah leader Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah.

Israel, of course, wouldn’t put up with Islamic Hezbollah savages throwing rocks and shooting rockets. However, al-Lakiss didn’t directly antagonize Israel; he just told others to. Were his jihadist leanings what got him killed? His Hezbollah BFFs seem to think so. al-Lakiss was “assassinated” in a parking lot near his home a couple days ago by three masked gunmen. Hezbollah released this statement regarding his death: “Direct accusation is aimed of course against the Israeli enemy which had tried to eliminate our martyred brother again and again and in several places but had failed, until yesterday evening.”

“The Israeli enemy.” Totally the religion of peace right there. Despite the lack of evidence implicating Israel in the crime, the Muslims immediately blamed their eternal foes, the Jews. It is unknown who killed al-Lakiss, but even if Israel were involved, the terrorist kinda brought it upon himself for his fervently jihadist ways.
da  Your Daily Muslim

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