mercoledì 11 dicembre 2013

Peace can only be accomplished through regime change, SLM’s Nur

Il leader del Movimento di Liberazione del Sudan, Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur, ha ribadito il suo rifiuto di negoziare un accordo con il governo sudanese affermando che solo il cambiamento di regime può portare la pace. Al-Nur si rifiuta di prendere parte ad un incontro che il mediatore dell'Unione Africana delle Nazioni Unite ha organizzato ad Addis Abeba per discutere tempi e modi per porre fine al conflitto in Darfur che dura ormai da 10 anni .

The ongoing three-day meeting is a follow-up to another workshop held in Arusha, Tanzania, last August that the SLM/AW also boycotted emphasising that such process should be convened with all the rebel groups and their umbrella Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF).
"We are peace lovers but we want a true peace not, a peace of jobs," Al-Nur told Sudan Tribune asserting that there would not be peace in Sudan unless a regime change is done in the country.
The rebel leader went to add that a true peace can only be achieved when there is an end to the violence against civilians and militias are disarmed, pointing they are ready for talks when such security measures are effectively implemented on the ground.
Nur who is also the SRF deputy chairman for political affairs stressed that political solution proposed by the rebel alliance aims to achieve a regime change, but not to reach a compromise with the government of president Omer Al-Bashir.
"We have the right to establish a democratic state where human rights are respected, and we have the right to have a government better than that of the National Congress Party," he further said.
The SRF groups recently visited several European countries calling on the international community to support their demand for a comprehensive peace process.
They propose that this process should lead to establish an interim government and to stop hostilities on all fronts. Also, a constitutional conference involving all the political forces should be held to discuss a new constitution and to organise general elections by the end of the transitional period.
The SLM leader however expressed doubts that the regime of president Omer Al-Bashir would accept such prospect.
"The comprehensive political solution should lead to regime change but the NCP cannot accept this option because it implies to hold accountable those who committed atrocities and crimes during the past period", he said.
He called on the international community to support the aspiration of Sudanese people to achieve change like what it has done in several countries.
"Otherwise they should leave us doing our job", he added.
The African Union Peace and Security Council (PSC) last month issued a strongly worded call to the rebel groups to negotiate a peaceful settlement and threatened to impose sanctions against the non signatory rebel groups if they persist in their rejection.
But Al-Nur said such threats are worthless and called upon the regional body to bring security to the victims of "the genocidaire regime" in Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile. He further stressed that the PSC even failed to persuade Khartoum to allow humanitarian access to the affected civilians in these regions.

Source Sudan Tribune

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