venerdì 13 dicembre 2013

Libya: J&C offices bombed in Derna

Non è ancora chiaro il mandante responsabile per l'attacco di oggi. Derna è considerata una roccaforte degli islamisti ma gli stessi estremisti sono aspramente divisi fra di loro. Inoltre, all'inizio del mese c'è stata una settimana di proteste contro le milizie in città, sopratutto contro quelle legate ad Ansar Al-Sharia, che sono state costrette ad abbandonare le loro basi nella zona e la loro stazione radio, che é stata poi data alle fiamme.

A bomb went off outside the offices of Justice and Construction Party (J&C) in Derna early this morning causing substantial damage to the building. A neighbouring building was also damaged as were a number of vehicles in the street. No one was injured, however, as there was no one in the building at the time of the blast, put at around 3am by local officials
Condemning the attack, Mohamed Sarwan, head of the J&C, said in a statement later this morning that it would not stop the party continuing its work in the town.
The J&C headquarters were the only remaining party political offices in Derna. Those belonging to the National Forces Alliance had already been attacked.
Several other public buildings have also been bombed or torched in the past year – the court house, a radio station, the passport office, the power station, security headquarters.  Yesterday a bomb exploded outside the local Misrata Martyrs School which was reportedly being used as a base for the local committee organising elections to the 60-member Constitutional Committee.

Source Libya Herald

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